Monday, September 1, 2008

A New Style

Hi all,
my name is Laura, and i'm a first year college student.

I'm renting out a place, which has its levels of ups and downs. I had got a bunch of IKEA furniture, and my most loved boyfriend Mike, helped me build it. It was great to build frustrating furniture together for 6 hours, without actually getting frustrated with each other.
And to reward ourselves after such a long day of going up and down stairs, building furniture, and attempting to stay outta each others way in a hot, cramped space; went to The Keg.
It was good and I would totally go there again... though a bit too expensive for the average student, so perhaps leave that restaurant for special occasions.

Next day mom and I went around, got stuff and I unpacked stuff, and did more stuff.
Really, there isn't much to it when it comes to picking up cleaning products, and groceries.
I was tired and stressed the whole day, which I felt bad. I snapped a few times, but really tried hard to be calm.
It just wasn't a very calming, last day to spend with mom.
I should have been more patient.

When she got in the car, after our good byes, I watched mom drive away into the night.
I stood there in the dark of the street just watching her.
It was eerie.

The last time I was left like that for good was when I was in grade 3, mom was picking my sister and I up from school and thought when Lindsay shut her door, she heard my door shut.
I was only reaching for the door handle when she suddenly drove away.
I cried for being abandoned, but that was by accident.

This time, it was much different. An almost empty feeling.

This is the next step in my life. I learn real responsibilities, make logical decisions between wants and needs. Do I really need this brand? Do I really need this cereal if this one is half off? I was always good about spending, but i'll no doubt become more frugal.
It's also a test for Mike and I's relationship. We just need to make it through school, and I think we can do it.

For now i'm all unpacked, I may rearrange my room a bit more, maybe not. Though for now, i'm heading to bed, I have a 6am wakeup call because I want to be all ready for my first day, give myself extra time to get there and find my classes. Plus i'm starting to get hungry so i'll go to bed before I get starving! ... no i'm not starving myself. I like food!

Until my next update; later!

- Laura

1 comment:

TotemChakra said...

Well, at least it's nice to know that Mike was there to help you with your furniture, or you probably feel worse x3
You mother accidently did that to you?! Sorry, but I kind of laughed! Yeah, silly lil Totem I am..
But yeah, I'm sorry your not 100% there, but you can make you. I know you and Mike can make it was well! -hugs-