Thursday, February 14, 2013


Valentine's to me is very much a Hallmark holiday, I don't need one specific day out of the year to celebrate my love for my boyfriend!

That being said it's still nice to take the time to make something! Be it a nice meal or a piece of art :)

This year Mike made me pink pancakes for breakfast with a pink POM drink, he bought me a  bouquet of pink roses, and we're having a valentine's dinner (dessert is still a mystery to me!).

I feel bad because Mike made me breakfast and is making me dinner along with dessert, but i'm not totally empty handed! We like watching Adventure Time together so I decided to make an Adventure Time themed picture for him! I decided to include our antique  steins  because they were something we bought together and we like to drink out of them on party occasions!

Well, Happy Valentine's Day everyone, and if you're single then enjoy the chocolate and candies, and make sure to send some love in your friends and families direction!

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