Monday, November 30, 2009

Character Posing and Expressions

So below is my character posing assignment and my character expression sheet (which is handed in tomorrow). For the character posing assignment, I didn't want to do an animal, I wanted to go outside of my comfort zone and go with a human being instead. I received a 13 out of 15 on the assignment, which I didn't entirely believe I deserved.
With the character expression sheet I decided to go with my strengths so I went with a dragon character. You're probably thinking the design looks a lot like a pig nose or Battykoda from Ferngully, and that's probably what inspired me, but how I invisioned the design of this character was from simply zoning out and an image came to mind.
I'm sure some artists can say this happens to them once in awhile, though unfortunately it doesn't happen enough! Anyway, enjoy.

Royal Winter Fair

So every year the animation students go to the Royal Winter Fair, this year, 2nd and 1st years went on a Friday, where we are to draw three pages with 6 drawings each of short gestural drawings, so anywhere between 30 seconds to 5 minute drawings, as well as three pages with two drawings each of detailed observational drawings which should take about 10 - 20 minutes. It was quite a fun trip, Mike came along with me, though unfortunately he was hit hard with allergies (and the flu a day later). So here are my drawings! My friend had gone to extra life today and informed me a page of my drawings are on display, it's quite pleasing to hear, i'll just have to wait until tomorrow to see which page it is!